Finding you an international internship
Some academic programs require students to undertake an internship. Some students themselves see internships as a competitive advantage in the race to find the right job after graduation. Whatever the case, The Study Tour Experts can help you find an internship that follows on after your international study tour and tailor it to your requirement! While it probably won’t be the last time you head overseas, why not tack an internship onto the back of your study tour and stay a little longer than you intended but all for the cause of leveraging into the job of your dreams.
Before you head off from home, feel free to reach out to your lecturer or professor and he/she will coordinate with us on the basis of your industry/job requirement. Think about where you would like to be down the track in your career and perhaps this international internship maybe the starting point for you.
Most importantly, work with your academic and our team to properly define the type of role you would like and we will work with our network of industry contacts to try to connect you to the internship you have been looking for.
Why do an International Internship?
Almost all European business schools require their students to undertake some form of internship and in many cases more than one internship. This is true too of many US universities. For many employers, there is an implicit understanding that graduating students will come to them with some form of work experience. Not having a job and then employers expecting work experience is a vicious cycle. If your fellow international student has a series of internships and you don’t, it may not be a cycle you are able to break.
Landing in France as an architectural student or in Dubai as a business student on a study tour may seem surreal at the time but what is possibly more surreal is landing an internship in that country. Being able to list the study tour and all it’s presenters on your CV is great – but wouldn’t it be better to say you stayed on at one of those companies as an intern?
It’s all about the coveted competitive advantage when you are going for that job of a lifetime and doing an international internship organised by The Study Tour Experts as part of your international study tour might be just the trick.

Tell us what kind of internship you are interested in
Some internships are for a month while some are for almost a year. Some are very cross functionally focused while others are quite specialised. Some require independent working while others involve a great deal of supervision. In short – all internships are quite different. In many ways, the key to a good internship experience really relies out the outset upon the student and the choices that he/she makes. Deciding which type of internship and why you want that kind of internship should be the first part of the internship process.
There are many types of internships and the first thing you need to do is to ask yourself – what is your objective and why choose that kind of internship? For many students it is about creating a foundation for a long term career. For many of these people it is really all about being able to better understand how an internship will help meet such goals.
For others, it may not be so clinical. It maybe just a chance to explore an industry they are curious about or indeed to live in a country they have always dreamed about. Taking on an internship in a far away land maybe just the start.
What kind of internships are available?
There is a whole range of internships available. While most internships in the marketplace seem to be very business focused, in reality this is not the case. From business to architecture, through to law and the environment, the list of internship possibilities provided by The Study Tour Experts is quite extensive. For many of the students seeking internships the possibility of working in their own field but in a distant land represents the absolute best of both worlds. For these students, the internship opportunities are really only limited by their imagination.
Roles can be broken down further than simply by academic discipline. While business as a category is quite a broad one, within this category sits the likes of marketing, management, human resources, finance, audit and a whole lot more. What better way to get to know your discipline intimately than through an international study tour.
At The Study Tour experts it is our desire to marry up your perfect internship scenario with companies looking for that perfect intern.